REPOST AGAIN: At the time of the Chernobyl accident to the environment was thrown about 450 different, mostly short-lived radionuclides. Most of them are in their physical and chemical nature are ions of heavy metals and very selectively adsorbed carbon enterosorbents.
Ferric hexacyanoferrate (Fe4III[FeII(CN)6]3), also known as insoluble Prussian blue (PB) is the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of the drug product, Radiogardase®. Radiogardase® is approved medical countermeasure for the treatment of internal contamination with radioactive cesium (Cs) or thallium in the event of a major radiological incident such as a “dirty bomb”.
nuclear reactor mark 1
In June and August 1986, such studies have been organized on the basis of the Kiev district military hospital. It was shown that regular prophylactic use of enterosorbents 4-8 times reduces the accumulation of radionuclides in the body. Supporters of depuration of radionuclides sorbents lost in the corporate struggle for money. In practice, used less effective methods. Many health workers have made a career even when attempts to aid the injured people was unsuccessful. Despite the significant need, sorbents have not been applied widely after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and used only by the KGB to its employees. The newspaper «Зеркало недели» ( №16, 20 апреля 1996) has been reported that, despite the absence of official permission, the Hospital of the KGB in Kiev successfully applied chelators for radiation protection of its employees who worked in the Chernobyl zone. Clinoptilolite-zeolite showed high efficiency of treatment of victims of radiation injury of people. Montmorillonite was used in practice for the improvement of domestic animals kept on the ground contaminated with radionuclide cesium-137.