In the old times,
people panicked from the bad
news, nowadays they panic from absence of information. It is necessary to provide full
access to information about the ionospheric precursors of
earthquakes and after the
earthquake access to mobile
communication for searching
The main task of
crisis management is temporary concentrating of resources and
unconcentrating of population in a dangerous area.
It is necessary to use those methods of medical aid, which proved
their effectiveness during the most
terrible disasters.1. Introduction
Solar activity, as indicated by sunspots, radio noise
and geomagnetic indices, plays a significant but by no means exclusive role in
the triggering of earthquakes. Maximum quake frequency occurs at times of
moderately high and fluctuating solar activity. Terrestrial solar flare effects
which are the actual coupling mechanisms which trigger quakes appear to be
either abrupt accelerations in the earth's angular velocity or surges of
telluric currents in the earth's crust [1, 2].
Relation between solar activity and seismic and
volcanic activity has been shown by many scientists
As well known the influence on Earth is not
determined by the solar radiation parameters but
is determined by parameters of absorbed
radiation. Therefore the correlation
mechanism of solar activity and seismic activity has not been fully defined.
First-ever, on the bursts of solar
activity, reacts ionosphere. The results of the study [19] show some
unusual perturbations observed in 1–25 days before and 2–3 days after the main
shock of every earthquake indicating a clear seismo-ionospheric link and may be
used as earthquake precursors. Such subionospheric plasma irregularities have
been observed by satellites prior to seismic activity electric and magnetic
field perturbations in the upper ionosphere [20]. The
final results showed that the ionospheric vertical total electron content
around the epicenter of earthquake in China (May 12, 2008), increased obviously
9 days before the earthquake, decreased significantly 6 days before the
earthquake and increased strikingly 3 days before the earthquake. The spatial
sizes of the vertical total electron content decrement and increment by more
than 30% extended larger than 1500 km in latitude and 4000 km in longitude [21]. A great earthquake of M 7.8 occurred near the Okushiri
island off the Hokkaido southwest coast in northern Japan at July 12, 1993.
Systematic decreases of the ionospheric F2-layer critical frequency,
foF2 below its monthly median, were observed
at Wakkanai, Kokubunji and Yamagawa, Japan from 3 days before the earthquake
onset to 3 days after it. The virtual height of the ionospheric F-layer, h′F increased above its monthly median for nights of July
9, 10 and 11 before the earthquake onset at Kokubunji; while the h′F decreased below its monthly median for nights of July
12, 13 and 14 after the earthquake onset. Local geomagnetic activities near the
three ionospheric stations were quiet or moderate with no geomagnetic storm
from July 5 to July 16. The ionospheric disturbances observed were independent
of solar–terrestrial events [22].
F-region disturbances and anomalous f0Es increases were separately observed
within a few days before two great earthquakes in geomagnetic and solar quiet
conditions. The anomalous f0Es increases before the earthquake onset could be caused
by unknown super-volt seismo discharges since there was no thunderstorm cloud
over the observatories [23]. Recent theoretical and experimental studies
explicitly demonstrated the ability of space technologies to identify and
monitor the specific variations at near-earth space plasma, atmosphere and
ground surface associated with approaching severe earthquakes which appear
several days (from 1 to 5) before the seismic shock over the seismically active
areas. Taking into account that the most promising are the ionospheric
precursors of earthquakes the special attention is devoted to the radiophysical
techniques of the ionosphere monitoring. For this purpose, are
using different methods such as vertical sounding, in-situ
probes, ionosphere tomography, GPS total electron content and GPS Meteorology technologies [24]. Ionospheric variability has become a subject of one of
the most intensive studies in the area of ionospheric physics. Regardless of
our improved knowledge of the ionosphere dynamics, the day-to-day variability
still lies within the framework of statistical estimations and the underlying
physical mechanisms are far from being fully understood. Significant deviations
from monthly median values are observed from time to time in ionospheric
records during completely quiet solar and geophysical conditions and are not
fully understood [25].
2. Discussion and recommendations
2. 1. Preparation
Ionosphere phenomena are global in nature and should
not be studied only locally. Global maps of
the ionosphere should be constructed on
the same principles as the google-maps:
summation of all data from various sources with different scales and
for different heights. Changes
in the ionosphere are described by many parameters, each
of which should be submitted. Different techniques
should clarify the
errors in measuring the same phenomena. Free access to the source material
will allow enthusiasts to make their conclusions.
Only complete, without
gaps, the array of
data on the correlations of trigger mechanisms of
solar activity, the response of the ionosphere and magnetosphere, and
seismic activity as a consequence can help to
build accurate predictions.
At present, about the high risk of earthquakes it's possible to find out in about 3 days. Preparing is needed in any case,
even if the prediction is given with a low probability.
A set of actions to simplify the subsequent work in the region of the
proposed earthquake or/and tsunami:
- unscheduled replenishment of drinking water, products with
long shelf life, pharmacological
agents and blood;
- unloading of transport arteries from idle transport,
strengthening the pillars of bridges especially to
the places of contact with the bottom, creation
of new temporary roads and the creation
of new, reliable fixed, pontoon crossings over
- emergency inspection and repair of electrical, aqueduct, pumping stations, drainage channels and stations
of mobile communication;
- increase in the number of ambulances and fire
- sending some of patients
to other hospitals outside the area of the proposed earthquake to increase the number of free places, opening of additional temporary emergency
- transfer in the area
of medical and firefighting or enough large transport helicopters,
and the creation of landing sites near
- relocation to the area of radiocommunications-aircraft for duplication
and unloading of mobile
communication networks;
- ordering and
delivery to the region
elevating construction equipment;
- creating
fencing in parking lots.
Recommendations for those
people who stayed in the region of
increased danger:
- picking of documents on
own property, photographing valuables
on film camera
with evidence of the
date (daily newspaper in
the frame for example), with the absence of time filming property
on the video;
- sticking of the film or
scotch on the
glass (protection from sharp fragments), additional fixation of furniture from falling;
- regular charging of mobile phone,
creation of virtual duplicates of important information;
- purchase of potable water, food
long-term storage, activated carbon and
first aid staff.
In the case of emergency
evacuation need to
wear comfortable clothing with a sufficient number of pockets and take documents,
money (and jewelery), keys.
2. 2. After the
In the old times,
people panicked from the bad
news, nowadays they panic from absence of information. First of all need to restore an
uninterrupted mobile communications.
Methods of searching
for missing:
- search by mobile
phone signals;
The main factor of strong hitting injuries
- it is Pain
shock, therefore drunken people easier going through strong damage, even though amount
of alcohol does not affect the amount of damage. Doctors should provide medical assistance
to victims (at least analgesic), even
before them will
pull out of the
If it is not possible to travel on the transport,
it is better travel on roller skates.
Only hovercraft can
to move rapidly on the destroyed roads. Only aviation can provide rapid
delivery of humanitarian relief. Military transport aircrafts - C-130 [26]
An-70 [27]
A-400M [28]
C-17 [29]
can land on ground airfields. In areas even without ground airfields is possible to allocate water area for landing hydroplanes.
An-70 [27]
A-400M [28]
C-17 [29]
can land on ground airfields. In areas even without ground airfields is possible to allocate water area for landing hydroplanes.
Approximately to 4 th day, most people
remained under the
rubble are dying. Cold dead
body is not fixed
by infrared camera. Specially trained
dogs can found corpses by smell. For
relatives-search and identification of
the victims is better to use DNA tests. Everyone
who wants to leave the dangerous area should
have such opportunity. It is necessary to remember that after the tsunami underground
water wash out holes in the
ground which could
be invisible under
the asphalt.
2. 3. Accidents at
nuclear plants
Technogenic disasters are
always complicates the situation.
It is possible to protect from external
radiation exposure by decreasing time
spent in the danger zone. The plates from lead can
to protect from radiation, but it is necessary to know the exact location
of the radiation source.
The dose of internal irradiation is formed basically
by biologically toxic transuranium elements. Universal effects of radiation
exposure are manifested in the form increase the acidity in the tracks of
charged particles. As a result, in the irradiated organism is an increase in
the number of free radicals [31]. The dose of internal irradiation in direct
relation to quantity of radioactive isotopes dissolved in biological liquids.
Within 1 h after inhalation, 90% of radionuclides are detected in the digestive
tract, while the remaining 10% are absorbed directly into the blood.
Enterosorbents on the basic of synthetic active carbons are especially
effective to treat the ecological dependent diseases stipulated by accumulation
in an organism of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cd, Ni etc.) and also short- and
mid-living radionuclides (140La, 125Te, 131I, 95Zr,
95Nb etc.) are appeared in an environment after Chernobyl NPP
accident. The use of enterosorbents of this type has allowed realizing
preventive maintenance and treatment of staff working in zones of liquidation
of catastrophe consequences. At preventive application of enterosorbents
(before the beginning and during work) it was possible on the order to reduce a
level of radioactive contamination of an organism. In curative variant 10-14
days course of enterosorption in 2-3 times
accelerated removal of incorporated radionuclides from an organism. [32]. Relatively
rapid radioactive substances are removed from the muscular, nervous tissue and
the skin - in the first 5-30 days. Most slowly radio-isotopes leave the bones -
for a few months. As sorbents of
heavy metals, Zeolites
have been used in the liquidation of major accident at Chernobyl [33-35].
2. 4. Elimination of the
Some changes are noninvertible.
For example, after a strong earthquake need to make
new geological map
of cracks, even if
they did not appear on the surface. Buildings that turned out above the cracks
must be strengthened. Even a weak geological activity
can create Electric
currents near the
surface, therefore above the
cracks in the the
crust does not need to to build warehouses with flammable materials.
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